Seaboard Marine’s news archive is a collection of information about recent or past events and happenings which include service announcements and other newsworthy material. For real-time information regarding vessel fuel adjustments, tariff rate changes, tariff rule changes, service disruption, or weather-related events, please visit our customer advisories archive or subscribe to receive customer advisories via email.
Seaboard Marine Launches New Direct Service Between Wilmington and Central America
Seaboard Marine is pleased to announce a new direct service connecting Central America with Wilmington, North Carolina. The new weekly service, supported by two (2) container vessels, connects key inland points in Central America, including San Salvador, El Salvador, and Managua, Nicaragua. The service will commence on Sunday, November [...]
Service Enhancement, New Direct Service Between Philadelphia and North Central America
Seaboard Marine recently announced a new direct service connecting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with North Central America. The new direct call, connecting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to key Central American destinations, including El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, will commence on Sunday, November 26, 2023, departing Santo Tomas de Castilla, Guatemala. Angel Morrobel, Seaboard [...]
Seaboard Marine’s Donation Brightens Optimist Club of Kendall Hammocks’ Future
Seaboard Marine recently extended a helping hand to the Optimist Club of Kendall Hammocks, a vital community organization serving the youth of Kendall, Florida. This contribution exemplifies Seaboard Marine's commitment to fostering strong community ties and promoting youth development. The Optimist Club of Kendall Hammocks, a nonprofit organization with a [...]
Seaboard Marine’s Dominican Republic Team Participates in the International Coastal Cleanup Day
On September 17th, over 60 dedicated employees from our Dominican Republic team joined forces with volunteers from Haina International Terminal to partake in the International Coastal Cleanup Day with an impactful mission: the extensive cleanup of Manresa Beach, situated within the Haina Port Terminal. With unwavering dedication, Seaboard Dominican [...]
Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence
In the dynamic world of ocean transportation, only a select few companies manage to not only survive but thrive. Seaboard Marine proudly stands among these exceptional companies as we mark our remarkable 40-year journey. Our four decades of operations have been characterized by unwavering dedication, innovation, and a determined [...]
Seaboard Marine Clinches Fourth Consecutive Quest for Quality Award
Seaboard Marine has achieved a remarkable feat by securing its fourth consecutive Quest for Quality award, recently revealed by Logistics Management magazine. These prestigious awards are universally recognized as the benchmark for evaluating customer satisfaction and performance excellence in the global airline, port, and logistics sectors. Seaboard Marine has [...]
Enhanced Fleet with Addition of New 45’x102” Containers
Seaboard Marine recently received 465 new 45-foot (102-inch wide) dry containers. These containers were received in Honduras and were immediately deployed to serve our diverse customers throughout Central America and the Caribbean. “Since inception, Seaboard Marine has constantly strived to not only provide our customers the highest quality equipment [...]
Seaboard Marine Adds First LNG Vessel to its Fleet
Seaboard Marine Adds First LNG Vessel to its Fleet - Completes PortMiami’s First LNG Bunkering for a Cargo Vessel Yesterday marked the first time in PortMiami’s history that a cargo vessel, the M/V Seaboard Blue, was bunkered at PortMiami using liquified natural gas (LNG) as a fuel. Shell, using [...]
The ACMF Honor Eddie Gonzalez with Anchor Award
The American Caribbean Maritime Foundation (ACMF) aims to uplift the Caribbean community by providing financial aid for maritime education. The foundation grants scholarships and equips the classrooms of maritime universities in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, and Guyana. Each year, the foundation chooses a person who has also [...]
Seaboard Marine Transports Ecuador’s First Cold Treatment Container to the Northeast United States
Cold treatment cleanses and protects refrigerated fruit from invading insects during shipping. The process is backed by advanced refrigeration and reliable techniques that do not hurt the cargo and eliminate the need for chemical treatments at the destination ports. Recently, Seaboard Marine brought the first cold-treatment blueberries from Guayaquil, [...]