Seaboard Marine’s news archive is a collection of information about recent or past events and happenings which include service announcements and other newsworthy material. For real-time information regarding vessel fuel adjustments, tariff rate changes, tariff rule changes, service disruption, or weather-related events, please visit our customer advisories archive or subscribe to receive customer advisories via email.
Seaboard Marine Donates to the South Florida Police Benevolent Association
SEABOARD MARINE’S SENIOR MARKETING MANAGER CHRIS CONCEPCION PRESENTS SFPBA EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT DAVID GREENWELL WITH THE DONATION CHECK. Seaboard Marine recently donated to the South Florida Police Benevolent Association's (SFPBA) Love Fund. Established in 1984, the Love Fund assists families of officers killed or injured in the line of [...]
Seaboard Marine Supports the Bringing Them Home Project
Through the Seaboard Foundation grant program, Seaboard Marine recently donated funds to the Bringing Them Home Project, a South Florida Non-Profit that provides reunification services for child runaways and missing children. The funds, generously made available through Seaboard Foundation, will cover expenses needed to quickly and safely locate missing [...]
Seaboard Marine Partners with Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava and PortMiami to Deliver Holiday Cheer
Pictured from left to right: PortMiami Port Director Juan Kuryla, Seaboard Marine employees Lisette Franqui and Chris Concepcion, and Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava This holiday season, Seaboard Marine partnered with Miami-Dade County Mayor, Daniella Levine Cava, and PortMiami to distribute holiday presents to nonprofit organizations throughout the county. [...]
Seaboard Marine Recognized as Best Ocean Carrier in El Salvador for Third Year in a Row
Pictured left to right: Irma Gomez and Sara Poveda For the third year in a row, the ASAC (The Asociación Salvadoreña de Agencias de Carga y Transitarios (ASAC) recognized Seaboard Marine as the best shipping line for Import and Export services between El Salvador and the United States. The [...]
Seaboard Marine Supports The Waterfront Alliance
From left to right: Del Bobish, Thiana Diaz, Rafael Estevez, Angel Morrobel, Pam Aasen Seaboard Marine is proud to support the Waterfront Alliance in its mission of increasing waterfront accessibility for all to create a well-adapted and resilient New York Harbor. The Waterfront Alliance began as a project of [...]
Seaboard Marine Supports Liga Contra El Cancer in their Fight Against Cancer
Seaboard Marine once again participated in Liga Contra El Cancer’s (the League Against Cancer) annual telethon in their mission to provide medical care for those battling cancer. Founded in Miami in 1975 as a community-based, non-profit organization, Liga Contra El Cancer has provided free medical care to in-need cancer [...]
Seaboard Marine Improves Export Transit Times from Savannah and North Atlantic
Seaboard Marine is pleased to announce transit time improvements from Savannah, Philadelphia, and Brooklyn to Central America. The transit times, effective immediately, are now several days faster to key Central American destinations, including Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The improved transit times result from multiple adjustments to [...]
Seaboard Marine Enhances Gulf Service Connections
Seaboard Marine is pleased to announce the enhancement of its U.S. Gulf service from Houston and New Orleans to the Caribbean, Central, and South America. Effective October 29, we will include a weekly direct call from Houston and New Orleans to Kingston, Jamaica, improving the transit times to several other markets. The new direct call to [...]
Seaboard Marine Adds Over 1,000 Refrigerated Containers to Meet Peak Season Demand
Seaboard Marine has added over 1,000 new refrigerated cargo containers to its fleet, an addition to the 340 received earlier this year. The new units arrived in Callao, Peru, to help meet peak season shipping of several time-sensitive commodities from Latin America. The new units are all 40-foot containers, built [...]
Seaboard Marine de Honduras Awarded for its Commitment to the Community
Sofia Villega, Seaboard Marine de Honduras Human Resources Manager, pictured fourth from the right On August 12, which is globally recognized as International Youth Day, the National Foundation for Honduran Development (FUNADEH) and business leaders in Honduras held a special ceremony to recognize the efforts and achievements of companies [...]