Seaboard Marine’s news archive is a collection of information about recent or past events and happenings which include service announcements and other newsworthy material. For real-time information regarding vessel fuel adjustments, tariff rate changes, tariff rule changes, service disruption, or weather-related events, please visit our customer advisories archive or subscribe to receive customer advisories via email.
Seaboard Marine Recognized as Top Ocean Carrier
Seaboard Marine has once again been honored with a Quest for Quality Award from Logistics Management, being recognized as the top ocean carrier in the world by their readers. The results were announced in the August 2021 issue of Logistics Management. Industry professionals view the recognition bestowed by Logistics [...]
Distressed Fishing Boat Rescued by M/V Seaboard Ranger
On Monday, July 19, the M/V Seaboard Ranger collaborated with The Joint Search & Rescue Center (JRCC) of the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard (DCCG) to rescue a stranded fishing boat with three people on board off the coast of St. Lucia. The vessel diverted its course towards the boat's [...]
Seaboard Marine Acquires 340 Refrigerated Containers to Meet Growing Demand
Seaboard Marine recently acquired 340 new refrigerated containers to meet the rising demands of our perishable import and export customers. The new containers arrived at Puerto Moin in Costa Rica and were quickly integrated within our fleet to support the growing needs of refrigerated cargo moving throughout the Americas. [...]
Seaboard Marine Upgrades Warehouse Management System at its Miami Facility
Seaboard Marine recently enhanced its warehouse management system at our Miami warehouse facility. The warehouse management system is also newly integrated with our customer portal, MySeaboard. Customers can now view invoice details and inventory as cargo is received, weighed, and dimensioned in real-time. Edward Gonzalez, Seaboard Marine President and [...]
Daisy Pastor Appointed to AmCham Board of Directors
Daisy Pastor, General Manager of Seaboard de Honduras, was recently voted as a member of the AmCham Honduras Board of Directors. The non-profit institution fosters mutually beneficial trade relations between Honduras and the United States as well as contributing to the development of businesses for the economic benefit of Honduras. [...]
Seaboard Marine Joins PortMiami in Support of Local Food Drive
Seaboard Marine recently partnered with PortMiami to support a local food drive in Downtown Miami to benefit families impacted by the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic. As an essential link in furthering trade throughout the Western Hemisphere, we have a direct impact on the lives of millions of people [...]
Seaboard Marine Extends Condolences on Passing of Clarvis Joseph
With deep sadness, Caribseas, Seaboard Marine agents, announced the passing of longtime leader, Mr. James Hesketh Clarvis Joseph. He was 67. Born in Antigua, Clarvis and his company Caribseas served as the agent for Seaboard Marine in St. Johns for the last 27 years. Throughout the years, Clarvis was [...]
Seaboard Marine Donates Shipping Services for Honduran Hurricane Relief Cargo
The 2020 Hurricane season saw successive hurricanes impact Central America in November. Hurricanes Eta and Iota hit the region back-to-back within three weeks, creating unimaginable hardships in addition to the Covid-19 pandemic. The torrential rain brought by the two hurricanes caused landslides, flooding, and destruction in large areas of [...]
Seaboard Marine Honored as Best Shipping Line in El Salvador
The Asociación Salvadoreña de Agencias de Carga y Transitarios (ASAC) recently hosted its annual award ceremony recognizing the country's best air and maritime transportation service companies. The ASAC is a member organization that promotes trade and supports the logistics sector in El Salvador. Industry professionals and freight agencies in [...]
Seaboard Marine Invests in 500 New Cargo Containers
To better serve our customers, Seaboard Marine has recently invested in 500 new 40-foot high-cube containers. The latest addition to the fleet arrives at several of our port locations in the next two months. Once received, the new boxes will be immediately assimilated into our forty-foot fleet to support [...]